1. Open the page where you've added the web part;
  2. Click on Bindtuning, and then Edit Web parts - the edit panel will appear from the left side of the web part;
  3. Click on the ➕ (plus) icon to add a new tile;
  4. On the Tile Type, choose Weather;

Default location

With Default Location, the tile will read the forecast depending on the city added.You can check the name of the city which you intend to show on the Web Part on the next link.


Dynamic Location

If you intend to have the Weather of your current location, you need to enable that option on the Web Part.

Note: You will be requested from the Browser to allow to detect your location.


Choose if you want the tile to display temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit units.


You can choose to have forecasts displayed per day or weekly.

Tile Background

Choose a Color or Image for the tile background. For more information on how to use:

Text Color

You can insert the Hex code of the color you intend to use. If you want to pick a custom color, you can open the color picker by pressing the icon. Colors selected through here are static and will always show the same regardless of the page.